Monday, March 4, 2013

Light it Up

Point Bonita is only a few short miles from San Francisco. You can see the lighthouse from the city, jutting out on the point into the sea. After AGES of not exploring it, I finally decided it was time, and we made the quick trip across the Golden Gate Bridge out to what seemed like another world.  photo openingpic_zpsea282be5.jpg  photo path_zps2df1b316.jpg  photo walkingandentrance_zps8e4c94db.jpg  photo goldengate_zps78c01d09.jpg  photo inthedistance_zpscee3e381.jpg  photo IMG_3556_zps8f63c809-1_zps16462541.jpg 
Don't look down...  photo dontlookdown_zps6220a98d.jpg  photo IMG_3516_zpsc96b8b8c.jpg  photo threelights_zps6d0fd3f3.jpg  photo me_zps440f77fa.jpg  photo watershot_zpscf67bfcc.jpg  photo IMG_3547_zpsa654bdf5.jpg  photo IMG_3558_zpsa2470731.jpg