I am entering wedding madness season! And no, I am not getting married. But I am accepting advice on attending all of the weddings and bachelorette parties and bridal showers of the seven (yes, that's right - 7) friends I have getting married in the next twelve months. While I should, perhaps, be preparing for these joyous nuptials by scanning all of the gift registries and saving my pennies for plane tickets and prezzies, I find myself, instead, scouring the racks of my favorite stores in search of the perfect dress to wear to each of these occasions. Typically, I would relish the search for a new dress for each affair, but given that it's not just two - or maybe three - weddings, it occurred to me that the idea of a different dress for each wedding is ridiculous. So, in an effort to conserve energy and funds (both of which I will need in full supply as the season cranks into high gear), I sought out my
perfect wedding dress.

Picture it at a summer wedding with nude heels! Picture it at a fall wedding with a pashmina! Picture it at a winter wedding with dark tights! Picture it with cake spilled down the front, because that's a very likely reality. Or, just don't picture it at all because, chances are, if you're reading this, you'll see me in it, dancing away (cake in hand) wondering how quickly I can get it dry cleaned before the next big day!
But, I think it's so pretty that I can't stop pulling it out of the closet for another look :-)